Hello 2019

Well, that’s goodbye 2018 and a huge welcome to 2019!


Feeling fresh as a daisy this morning – I think this is probably the first time I saw in the new year without an alcoholic drink inside me and waking up without the stinking hangover! Let’s start as we mean to go on, new year, new me and all that!


Our last night of 2018 was spent with our children and friends at a New Years Family Party at a local hotel. We got dolled up – (daddy loves getting dolled up as you can see) and had a three course meal with kids entertainment and one very loud disco party. We had a brilliant night. The kids ran wild, played games, got mardy, danced and had lots of fun. The daddies drank lots of beer and threw the kids around the dance floor and us mums had a chilled out evening β€” and little boogie of course.

It was almost time for the big countdown and yup! all the kids were flaking! A quick two second rest and a bag of milky bar buttons did the trick (parenting skills are at maximum level here!). We all hit the dance floor for the countdown, clinked our glasses of lemonade, kissed, cuddled, sang Auld Lang Syne together and saw in the new year with laughter and happiness.

Happy new year!


What’s in store for 2019?

What are your plans for this new year? Have you made any new resolutions?

I don’t really have any New Years resolutions this year, I do intend on being more active with my fitness and eating a little bit healthier, maybe lose some weight, cook more and involve the children … but my main goal is to have just as much more fun and adventures with my family as we did last year. I’m sure we’ll be running out of places to see soon (in the uk) and we will have to start travelling the world (one day) but for now, for us, mini adventures with our children are perfect.

So I started a list (love lists! Eek!)Β 

First up, we have a car show to attend (daddy likes cars… like a lot!) β€’ more days at the beach β€’ go geocaching β€’ forest adventure β€’ National History Museum β€’ the real Bon Jovi LIVE (literally cannot say it with smiling like a Cheshire Cat!) β€’ visit a huge zoo (recommendations welcome) β€’ attend an outdoor cinema night β€’ zip world forest coaster and bounce below (look amazing but will my nerves hold up?) β€’ The Eden Project β€’ Camp Bestival (is at the top of my list for things to do with the kids this year! Have you been?) β€’ Bewilderwood β€’ Fantasy Island β€’ International Space Centre β€’ Sundown β€’ and of course a few camping trips thrown in between β€’

I’m sure that’s enough to get us through the first part of the year right?

Whats on your list? I’d love to hear!

happy adventures

nay nay x

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Jessica Marie says:

    So fun! Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nay nay says:

      Thank you and a happy new year to you too!


  2. iammyinspiration says:

    My goal is to make this year my best year ever. I’m planning to join dance classes, going to learn how to ride a two-wheeler, take up a part time job. These are on top of my bucket list for now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nay nay says:

      Oh wow! Those are great ideas! I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun along the way! Wish you lots of luck x


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