Balance your Chakras

Having clear and balanced chakras brings spiritual, emotional and physical balance. Helping us walk more calmly through life with a wonderful sense of peace and serenity.

Our chakras can become blocked when we have negative feelings or thoughts, that become lodged in the chakra that’s connected to that specific part of our consciousness. This can cause a reduction in healthy energy flow.

When the chakras become blocked, it can become hard to cope with certain aspects of life. 
Depending on which chakra is blocked, you may find it comes out as a physical symptom. As each chakra corresponds with a major nerve plexus within the body. This means that a physical symptom can arise from an emotional issue or simply tension in that particular part of your consciousness. 

The good news is, you can naturally heal and rebalance your chakras with ease. This can be through Reiki, crystal healing, meditation or sound healing – which all work on a spiritual, emotional and physical level.

β€” and the bonus … I have a FREE chakra balancing β€œcheat sheet” that you can now download. 
You will learn everything from what the main seven chakras are and how to heal them, how imbalanced chakras affect your health and which affirmations and mantras you can use to realign your chakras. This booklet is loaded with information, crystal tips, exercise techniques, worksheets and meditation prompts.

Are you ready to live in alignment, feel utter peace and use your chakras for optimal health? Head this way and click the link below to download your free copy today! 

Your beginners guide to balancing your chakra

love & light
✨ Amber Moon ✨

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