The simplest ways make the best of Autumn

People always get unfairly excited about the summer months, but in reality autumn is where the magic happens!

Yes autumn is on her way, summer is almost over and what’s not to love!
No more hit and miss weather, sweating issues, holiday envy and forced BBQs everywhere you go! It’s time to sit back, relax, bask in the sweet scent of pumpkin spice, be constantly warm and cosy by the fire and relish in all the new tv shows and the throws of nature! Aaaaaaaamazing!


There is basically nothing not to love about the autumn!

The darker nights, I absolutely love! I know for some people this isn’t very pleasant, but the way I look at it is – there’s no more black out blinds, no noisy birds chirping away, the kids can finally get to bed on time (or even earlier!) and – my favourite – I can get snug and cosy in bed with extra blankets and a hot cup of tea for like 7pm without being judged!
Oh I do love a good nights sleep especially with the intense feelings of fuzziness and snugness. mmmmmmmm.

However, waking up in the morning when it’s dark …. yes you guessed it – I love this too! For some people going to work early I understand this can be a bit of a mare but ooooooh I just love it either way – it’s dark outside but I’m all snug in the house, I can smell the radiators as the heating kicks in, wrapping the kids up ready for their walk to school – just the simple things like turning the lights on with there amber hue making everything seem warmer, making a brew and having hot clothes from the radiator. I mean, come on! Who doesn’t love putting on hot pants in a morn!


P U M P K I N  E V E R Y T H I N G – it is probably the most jolly, fun and vibrant vegetable to ever grace our supermarkets – excellent for soups, lattes and of course carving for Halloween!

…. which brings me to Halloween … my all time favourite holiday of the year! An excellent excuse to throw an awesome party, decorate the house, look like death warmed up, get merry, have fun and request strangers to give you sweets and chocolate! – Basically an epic night out … or in!


And who doesn’t love a good night in. No more sitting in the beer gardens (I do enjoy doing that though), it’s time to stay in. Get your comfy spot on the sofa, light a smelly candle, preferably something pumpkin or marshmallowy, grab a blanket, some popcorn or maybe even a cheese board and a hot beverage – mulled wine is always a good choice – or a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows will do nicely ( oh my gosh I’m daydreaming!) and settle down for a night of binge tv. 

But if you’re anything like me and you just have to get yourselves outdoors, then there is still plenty to do. Crispy, orange walks through the woods, collect pinecones for artwork & spells, skipping stones over the frozen lakes, conker picking and playing! Camp fires, roasting marshmallows, lantern walks, train rides, constellation searching, harvesting vegetables, pumpkin picking, Halloween shows, corn mazes – oh my gosh there’s loads of amazing things to do!


Remember Remember the 5th November! Eeeeeek!
Feel free to get out your most comfortable jumpers, hats scarfs and boots, layer it up (I’m so over being beach body ready) and let’s all go stand in a freezing cold field breathing in that fresh, crisp air whilst drinking the warm flasks of hot Toddy’s we’ve smuggled in and watch the fireworks illuminate the sky for miles around. 


The world never seems so beautiful than in Autumn. All the golden colours of the trees, piles of red, orange leaves on the ground, red skies, the dark nights, twinkling lights hanging everywhere, the fresh crisp air and of course were just that little bit closer to Christmas …. and who doesn’t love Christmas!

So don’t feel bad about staying in with a good show, a hot mug of chunky soup and wooly socks ….

A U T U M N R O C K S !

What’s your favourite thing about Autumn?

happy adventures

nay nay x


and if you still haven’t got a clue what to do with yourselves this autumn – you can always tick off my autumn bucket list and see where that takes you!

8 Comments Add yours

  1. Such a fun post. I am NOT a fan of waking up when it’s still dark. It makes it so hard for me to want to get out of bed. Thankfully, I live in a warm place so I don’t have to wake up to freezing temps or I’d never get out of bed. LOL!


  2. Amanda says:

    Pumpkin everything and cooler nights with campfires are my absolute favorite! ❤️


  3. Brittany says:

    I love how we finally get a break from humidity for some cooler weather, sweaters, leaves changing colors, pumpkin bread, increase in horror movies and books, haunted houses, and HALLOWEEN!! I love nearly everything about fall 🙂


  4. W Gunning says:

    Loved you post and love autumn.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. LanaPummill says:

    I love this. Autumn/fall is my favorite time of year too. I am addicted to pumpkin! LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. OneCaringMom says:

    Aaaah I love, love, love autumn!!! It is my absolute favorite season. And honestly, I don’t even know what my favorite part is. I definitely love the cooler weather and all the soups and stews I make. And the falling leaves…I love the falling leaves.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Michelle says:

    My fav part is that the Dubai weather starts to calm down. But I do miss the changing colour of the leaves and wearing scarves.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Christielee says:

    I am a spring lover, we mostly live be summer for Christmas:)

    Liked by 1 person

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