About me

A little intro :

Hi, I’m natie, I also go by nay nay, but my real name is mum, mum, mum, mum, mum!

As you guessed it, my main job is being a thirtysomethingcompletelywingingit mummy. I have two beautiful daughters, albeit absolute monsters at times, they’re wild little girls who are always full of energy! I do love their wildness … most of the time! Even so, I create my little world around them whilst working, running a family home, trying to keep a healthy lifestyle and everything that’s in between. Crickey, this mum life can be hard work!

Having a passion for food, I’m a caterer by day making yummy, tasty treats for events – but it doesn’t stop there, I’m the main …. I mean …. only cook at home too! So I’m always whipping up something tasty in the kitchen (never hiding in there stuffing my face with chocolate, honest!) and encouraging my girls to eat their greens! We could all do with eating a little healthier.

As a free spirited family we love nothing more than enjoying the big outdoors, nature, a day trip, having an adventure and being brave!

We are always on the move visiting new places, exploring and trying something new. Whether that’s travelling to another city, town or country or simply trying out something local. We have lots of plans for the future and a million more memories to make. I literally live for the moments! I love that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you know, you’ve just had a moment!

My blog is simply a place for me to share my stories, ideas and inspiration with you all.

I hope you have as much fun reading as I do writing my blogs.

Please feel free to share and leave comments with your own ideas, adventures tips and tricks.

happy adventures

nay nay